The Education Reform Bill- Update: 3/8/2020

S.419 passed the Senate, and so now it moves to the House K-12 Subcommittee for review and hearings.

We are asking that the House and eventual Conference Committee: 

1. Keep the Senate amendment to abolish EOC.

2. Remove Senator Hembree’s amendment on start date, which has the potential of keeping us in school until Christmas Eve with only 2 days for Thanksgiving break and 1 day between the nine weeks. A previous amendment allowing for district flexibility had already passed. Restore that. 

3. The language on the unencumbered break amendment currently only asks for a study committee on feasibility. Require implementation now. 

4. Remove all language that dictates formative assessment. Trust teachers to use assessment methods that are best for their students. 

5. Remove language that allows up to 10% of a staff to be uncertified with no path required towards certification as that is not in the best interest of children. 

Further, we would like the Budget to raise base student cost at least $100 per student. We would like salaries to rise by 5% and state salary schedule steps to be added through year 28.


updated talking points on S.419 based on the 2/20/2020 version of the bill.

S.419 (2.12 VERSION) Talking Points to Vote NO with citations-1.jpg
S.419 (2.12 VERSION) Talking Points to Vote NO with citations-2.jpg